Redeeming Church Conflicts

One Reason Why Your Church is Losing Its Youth: Look at How (Gracelessly!) You Treat One Another

One Reason Why Your Church is Losing Its Youth: Look at How (Gracelessly!) You Treat One Another

“Beginning around the age of eleven, Matt writes, “I would read about Jesus, and how he treated people, then I’d look at Christians, and the two just didn’t match up.” Matt goes on to say: “Sometimes we’d go by the church to surprise my dad in the middle of a work day, and there’d be someone in his office yelling at him for changing the carpet, or not using the choir robes. We would receive threatening anonymous letters at our house . . . certain church members would interrupt the service to call meetings. They wanted to edit sermon content.  They hated the music. They controlled the finances. They cursed. They slandered. They schemed.”

Not wanting to “end up looking like those people,” Matt said “[he] washed [his] hands of the church.” And who can blame him?

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