Please pray for our videotaping later on today!
Just a quick note to everyone who has sent me emails and orders for my DVD Video Series in the last few days — and has not received an immediate response …
Thanks for your patience! Things are just HOPPING around here, but I’m hoping to catch up on emails tomorrow when I’m happily ensconced in two flights to the Midwest.
Yes, yes … on top of the other adventures of daily living, we are gathering in Illinois this weekend to celebrate Fred’s mother’s 70th birthday. Fred’s second oldest brother is coming from Zurich (THE Zurich, as in Switzerland). The Berkeley, California and Waukesha, Wisconsin aunts, uncles, and cousins will all be there. And the Montana crew of course! So I need to start getting us packed any minute now.
Before I do so, however, I need to scoot on over to Peacemakers to meet Ken Sande and film an introductory segment and a closing segment for the video series. It really is becoming an “official” Peacemaker resource:
I’m just marveling at it all … and also hoping that you might pray for me, especially for this filming later on today.
I am so tired–physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
So many people around me are suffering horribly–and I think I’m taking on their sorrow and pain, but really I need to lay it all on the Lord Who promises that His burden is light.
I’m in that “need to pack tampons and pregnancy tests” week again–blergh.
And of all the things I feel up to doing today, packing our entire family and filming two videoclips would NOT make the list.
(Lying around all day and reading or watching mindless videos? Sounds about right.)
But alas, real life calls.
So thanks for praying if I flit through your heart today. And thanks to everyone who has ordered the original DVD Video Series before all of the stuff is deleted and the price goes up. I was incredibly blessed to hear from you all–especially the notes of encouragement. I just don’t know that I could express how much they have all meant to me.
OK. Back to work!
Rejoicing in God my Savior–
(He lives! He really lives!)
Your friend,
Tara B.