Preaching to Four Groups: Weary, Wandering, Lazy, Lost
Kevin DeYoung has a great post today on preaching the whole counsel of Scripture by being mindful of the variances of people in your church:
In it, he talks about four categories of people: “The Weary, The Wandering, The Lazy, The Lost.”
As I read it, I appreciated its (intended) application of pastors and sermons. But I also couldn’t help but think of its application even as a layperson:
– What happens when I am overly confrontational with someone who is weary, wounded, fearful, hurt? I crush the bruised reed. But what if I fail to have the courage to be confrontational with a Christian playing with sin (“The Wandering”) or CAUGHT in sin? I watch my brother drown (Gal. 6:1).
– Do I ever actually make a direct, gospel, “evangelistic” appeal to ANYONE? Or am I just super NICE to “The Lost”?
– What is the word I bring to “The Lazy”? (As a lazy person!) What is my tone like? My attitude?
Oh. I just found so much to think about in his post. I hope you’ll click on over and read it yourself.
Tara B.