THANKS for all of the great ideas, ladies! I’ve already ordered some of the books you’ve mentioned. 🙂
Here is what I wrote in my email response, just in case you were curious:
1. Go through The Peacemaker and/or The Peacemaker Group Study—it is foundational for both marriage AND parenting. And life-changing. And helpful! And gospel-proclaiming.
2. Go through The Young Peacemaker. Sure, it’s for kids—but you can’t lead them where you don’t first go yourself. I’ve had many adults tell me that they’re own personal study of it was profound for THEM and then they introduced it to their kids.
3. I’ve been a huge fan of ‘Shepherding a Child’s Heart’ since even before I was married! If you haven’t gone through it yet, please do! It is foundational for parenting. Every day, our home is helped by the principles we learned in that book.
4. I like ‘When Sinners Say I Do’ (Harvey) for a book specific to marriage.
5. Bryan Chapell’s ‘Each for the Other’ has been a blessing to many.
Thanks again for serving our sister in Christ! I love learning with you all.
Oh–and thanks for the sweet/encouraging personal notes too. PLEASE know that we’re really doing OK around here! It’s SO nice to not be sick and we’re just having a nice, quiet, domestic kind of week.
Last week, Lili acquired a BAD ear infection (did I tell you that?)–so I was VERY happy this morning when the vet said that she’s A-OK. What a sweet little furry muffin.
Fred’s getting back into a workout routine, so that’s great. But I haven’t quite gotten back into any sort of exercise routine. Earlier this week, Fred was downstairs on the elliptical trainer while I was upstairs eating a brownie. Nice. It’s really no wonder why my pants are snug. Again.
Any day now. That’s what I’m telling myself. Any day now–back to water & walks & healthful living. Or at least a STEP in that good/healthful/disciplined direction. Any day now. Hmmmmm ….
Hope you have a great Thursday!
Tara B.