Save Your Marriage — TALK
Do you find any irony in the fact that I found this article on the IX Marks blog yesterday:
Save Your Marriage — TALK (Seriously!)
Gave myself a task for today to put the link up for you …
And then Fred and I spent pretty much every minute of last night and thus far this morning fighting? You know. “Talking”—to be sure. But also really REALLY not wanting to keep talking. (Fred and I are both prone to flight. Big time.)
But we kept trying until late in the night. Slept fitfully. Woke up and kept trying some more. Until finally our need to take care of little girls and little creatures overtook our ability to keep, well, talking. So now I’m blogging (quickly) and he’s starting our breakfast routine and we’re all about to head out the door to Ella’s well-child-1-year-old doctor appointment / work / etc. etc.
And what fodder do I find in my “blog this” task? Save Your Marriage. Talk.
Classic. I mean seriously—you just can’t make this stuff up.
So off I go to RE-read this article that I am commending to you as well because obviously I didn’t read it carefully enough yesterday.
God is still the same. My life still have buckets of pastels even though the broad brushstroke of my palate this morning feels very, very dark.
Fred did a great job persevering. He did! I think I even did, well, fair-to-middlin’ in trying too.
There is grace for the day. I’m typing it to help me to believe it. Somewhere deep down inside of the truest me, I do believe it. BUT OH! Sometimes life is just a drag.
Hope this blog entry doesn’t depress you. I just don’t ever want you to think, “Wow. Those Barthels. Aren’t they great!” NOPE.
I hope that in this blog I am (appropriately) honest such that you say, “Wow. That God! He sure is GREAT. And glorious. Faithful. True. Present. Involved. Active. Caring. Those Barthels are a WRECK! But they are loved by a Great God. They’re going to be OK, no matter what. God is with them and He is with me … so … back into the day I go.”
That’s my earnest desire! And with that, I have to run—
Blessings to you!
— Tara B.