Sermon Tapes in the U.K.?
Someone left a comment today on a really old blog I did about donating my extra Bibles to Christian Resources International.
(For years I had felt guilty having so many Bibles when I knew that Christians–and especially PASTORS–around the world didn’t have any Bibles. But I didn’t know where to send them. Then I found CRI and boxed ’em up and sent them off with some old sermon tapes and other Christian resources.)
Anyway … this commenter this morning asked if I knew any similar organizations (or organisations for my British friends) in the U.K. and I just wanted to say that I don’t. Sorry! But maybe CRI can help you if you contact them through their website.
They are fine people doing a good work. I encourage you all to look around your basements and if you see DUST on a Bible, box it up and send it off. Christians around the world would (literally) walk MILES for something that your family apparently doesn’t even move more or less look at/study/memorize. Please do consider it.
OK. Back to marble elevator play! Very fun. I should put a picture up for you guys one of these days …
Love and blessings,
Tara B.