Signs You Are Growing in Grace
Scotty Smith gives us a great diagnostic re: signs we are growing in grace:
– Less theological arrogance & greater appreciation for diversity in the Body of Christ
– You work much harder at remembering names and forgetting slights (and everybody notices it but you)
– Movement away from destructive cynicism towards redemptive engagement (because anybody can spew)
– You’re less like a drive-by-shooting with criticisms & more of a healing presence
– You receive feedback non-defensively and give it clearly & lovingly
– People don’t feel like they have to walk on egg shells around you as much
– You say, ‘I’ll be prayin’ for ya’, and you follow through on at least 50%
– Committing fewer homicides in your heart of slow drivers
– Praying for our government rather than simply being cynical about our government
– You are more disgusted with your critical spirit than offended by others’ sins