Singleness & Marriage

Single but praying for a spouse? A child?

For years, Fred and I prayed for a friend of ours. He was single, content in Christ, but longing to be married and have a family.

We just KNEW that he would be the TREASURE of a husband and daddy that so many women pray for–godly, funny, smart, athletic, musical, sweet, thoughtful, faithful, kind–and so we prayed.

Last year (when he was over the age of 40), he was happily, blissfully married to a wonderful woman.
And last NIGHT, we heard the news that this precious couple welcomed their son, Samuel, into the world.

I know that a lot of you are single. I know that you pray for spouses and families of your own. And I just wanted to encourage you with the story of my dear, sweet friend.

I don’t know how God will move in your life–but don’t we all just smile a bit thinking of this man and how MUCH his life has changed in the last three years?

(As we were happily talking to last night, I asked him if he was tired and Fred whispered in my ear, “It only gets worse!” And we all laughed.)


Welcome, Samuel!
And take heart, my single friends who long for family!

(Oh–and here’s another shameless plug for what I think is the BEST blog out there for Christian singles: check out solo femininity by Carolyn McCulley. You’ll be glad you did.)

Happy Saturday to you!

Tara B.