
So that explains it …

You probably don’t know that I have REALLY bad knees.

I’ve had bad knees my entire life–even back when I was athletic and in shape. (Wow! Was I ever athletic and in shape? Seems like a zillion years ago.)

Anyway … I’ve had multiple surgeries including two incredibly invasive, bone-cutting, re-aligning, the last step before total knee replacement surgeries. Sometimes the pain is manageable, sometimes I resort to heat and ice and old-man-bengay-rubs and any drugs I can take.

But not when I’m pregnant, of course. So today I went and saw my knee surgeon to see if there was anything we can do for the next four and a half months because WOW! The pain in my right knee is, at times, EXCRUCIATING. It literally wakes me up out of a deep sleep. I describe it to Fred as if someone were taking a hammer and nail and literally NAILING through the top of my knee cap.


Anyway … in addition to my standard alignment and arthritis problems, the new information we learned today is that a tiny piece of bone has chipped off of my knee cap and is currently floating around my tendon. Hence, the “only occasional” excruciating pain. If it shifts into a sensitive spot, YOWZA! But if it’s tucked in and not rubbing against anything too much, just normal pain level.


Nothing to be done about that now, of course. But if this little one makes his or her happy arrival this summer, I might be going under the knife for a simple little “pop that piece o’ bone out of your knee” surgery.

Sometimes it’s just nice to know that there really IS something wrong (it’s not in my head!) and that there is help–even if it’s a few months away.

OK. Back to tackling the chaos.

With joy,
Tara B.