Feedback on Tara’s Events
“By FAR, the BEST speaker we have ever had—clear, concise, funny, and pure biblical truth and reference.”
“Love your heart and vulnerability—helps us all to be real!”
Thank you, Tara, for reminding me how much I am loved by God.”
“Great materials and message. Loved the Christ-centered teachings, personal references/stories, humor and notes. Thank you!”
“You are so funny and so intelligent. You have totally inspired me to learn and read more about the Bible.”
“Thank you for reminding me of God’s grace.”
“Very good content; great delivery. Articulated very well. Engaging and humorous. Kept my attention the entire time.”
“I felt like my best friend was talking to me and I’ve never met you! Love your humor.”
“This was fantastic! Love the incorporation of humor and reality.”
“You were gracefully authentic, and captured my mind and heart with His amazing love and acceptance.”
“Your presentation was one of the most articulate and effective presentations I’ve seen. You are an extraordinary communicator.”
“I was at an impasse on some marital issues but now I see that God does have a way to work through them.”
“Thank you, Tara, I now have hope that my hopeless feeling will go away. I feel much less like an orphan.”
“We do this retreat every, single year and this is the first year that 100% of the evaluation sheets listed “the messages” as the most valuable or helpful thing.”
“I love your authenticity and welcoming, open spirit.”
“Whenever I have heard Tara speak, she points me to Jesus and makes me long to grow in my intimacy with the Lord.”
Whenever I have heard Tara speak, she points me to Jesus and makes me long to grow in my intimacy with the Lord.
“Honestly, I had ‘had it’ with the women in our church. But after this weekend, my eyes were really opened to my own sin and to God’s plan for the church. I have a renewed sense of vision and purpose for my role and the support I need to give to our pastor and elders.”
“I felt refreshed in the Gospel, wholly and truly loved by God, and totally challenged by my responsibility to love those around me even through conflict.”
“Your honesty and transparency really pointed us to Jesus and the wonder of His Gospel.”
“As a pastor, I can’t imagine the difference we could make if we were a church that actually did this. We need to include this in our inquirer’s class.”
“I am a deacon and last night I called my pastor because, after your conference, my wife and I sat down and talked in a way we hadn’t for years, and we realized that we need to get help.”
“I am deeply moved and convicted in my heart of my commission and omission involvement in some broken relationships. He has ultimately shown me my depravity and how much he still loves, forgives, and gives grace to me that I must extend this grace to others.”
Your honesty and transparency really pointed us to Jesus and the wonder of His Gospel.
“Tara is encouraging to the point of inspiration. She is a woman of deep faith, sincerity, compassion, openness, and concern.”
“A truly gifted teacher. Your knowledge of Scripture awes me! Your humility makes it easy for people to relate to you.”
“Professional and showed a true heart of ministry and care for each student. I appreciated Tara’s friendliness and her ability to make everyone feel safe and welcome.”
“Tara is a living witness to the power of forgiveness.”
“A feast for my soul! Meat.”
“I’m an ‘ignore and deal with it personally’ kind of person. Confrontation is so hard for me. Your session on peacemaking helped me to talk to someone this week and it turned out beautifully! So thanks again…”
“Thank you, Tara, for reminding me how much I am loved by God.”