Spiritual Friendship (HT: Challies.com)
Tim Challies recently posted a number of profound quotes on friendship:
If you don’t have time to read them all, consider just a few excerpts:
“There is a strange felicity, a wondrous enchantment, which comes from true intimacy of heart, and close communion of soul, and the result is more than mere fleeting joy. When it is shared in the deepest thoughts and highest aspirations, when it is built on a common faith, and lives by a common hope, it brings perfect peace.”
“We cannot live a self-centered life, without feeling that we are missing the true glory of life … The joy, which a true friendship gives, reveals the existence of the want of it, perhaps previously unfelt.”
“That anybody in the world should be got to love us, and to see in us not what colder eyes see, not even what we are but what we may be, should of itself make us humble and gentle in our criticism of others’ friendships. Our friends see the best in us, and by that very fact call forth the best from us.”