Theology of Enough
Wisdom re: simplifying life from Dave Kraft (author of Leaders Who Last):
– Turn down opportunities that might be a good use of who I am but not the best use of who I am. Just last week I said no to two people who offered me a great chance to do something.
– Never say yes to anything over the phone, but buy time to think and pray about it.
– Practice the theology of enough. I have no list of things that fall into the category of: I would be happy if______.
– Ask God to deliver me from an unhealthy appetite for acclaim, approval, position, power, and honor that would push me to do more and more for the wrong reasons.
– Pray to be released from the restless, gnawing greed for more money and more stuff.
– Daily remind myself of who I am and who I am not—being content to be me.
– Carve out sufficient time alone with God for humble contemplation–—to give him opportunity to quiet my anxious heart and keep me focused on my ‘few themes.’