Momma Tara~Parenting

Things Don’t Look Good for the Swiffer WetJet, Mom

Sophia’s science fair project has a title something along the lines of:

“Chill Out, Mom! The Kitchen is Clean Enough!”

It is based on two ways of cleaning the counter and floor—the “old way” (409 for the counter and regular mopping for the floor) and the “new way” I have adopted since Ella was born (Clorox wipes and Swiffer WetJet). Sophie’s hypothesis was that the new ways are fine and I can stop feeling guilty about the easy/quick way I’m cleaning lately.

But then there’s that pesky ol’ scientific method that is CLEARLY proving her hypothesis to be false.

Yes, yes. It’s true. We have MANY colonies of bacteria thriving and reproducing on the petri dish for the Swiffer Wet Jet. Sophie’s exact quote to me two minutes ago was:

“Things don’t look good for the Swiffer WetJet, Mom.”

Oh, bummer! Guess I may need to go back to the old way of cleaning because seriously?! I’m totally grossed out by the current state of the petri dishes (and thus, apparently, my KITCHEN FLOOR):



On a happier note, Ella’s heart is apparently SO knitted in to Sophia’s that when Sophie left for a brief playdate, Ella laid on the floor and cried out:

“I need my Sissie to come home to me!”

Don’t we all? Everything is so much better when the pack is together and accounted for.

Hope your week is going great!

Blessings and joy,
Tara B.