Try Harder! Do More!
Thanks, Z, for drawing our attention to Pastor Tullian Tchividjian’s excellent article re: accountability relationships and works and the gospel:
Reminders are More Effective Than Rebukes
I am currently working LONG days to streamline my 70,000+ words of research and prep into two new teachings for this fall’s AmazingGrace360 Conference. So what I needed this morning was a clear reminder to focus on Jesus (!) and “his person and subsitutionary work; his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, session, and promised return; the fact that we are justified–and sanctified––by grace alone through faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone. So that even now, the banner under which Christians live reads, ‘It is finished.”
Amen & Amen! And thanks, Pastor Tchividjian for the timely reminder.
Happy Tuesday to you all—
Tara B.
To give you a sense of how daunting my task is re: prepping these teachings (and why I was at that inevitable, “I CANNOT DO THIS! THERE’S JUST NO WAY!” place yesterday) … the (complete!) manuscript that Dave Edling and I just submitted to Baker Books was 74,999 words long. So 70,000+ words = an entire book! Thus, I have cull out a TON of content to get down to the 10,000 or so words I will actually say in my seminars. Needless to say, I’d appreciate any prayers you care to send my way. 🙂 Thanks, friends! Love—t