We can ignore it–but it’ll still kill us!
(From 2006)
Another AMAZING point that the speaker made last night had to do with the nature of SIN.
She mentioned how she had actually felt the ‘lump’ or ‘ridge’ in her breast for weeks before she did anything about it.
She told herself: ‘It’s just tissue.’ “It’s just cystic.”
But of course it was the most aggressive, deadly breast cancer known to Man. Left untreated it would kill her for sure.
She (again) regaled us as she described her tendency to minimize her sin: ‘I guess I have some issues with anger management.’ And to make excuses and shift blame: ‘Yes, I raised my voice to you and I probably shouldn’t have–but it WAS the THIRD TIME you asked me that EXACT SAME QUESTION!!!’
(Again! Oh, how I could relate.)
But then she took us to Scripture
and she showed us how God’s Word clearly says that sin is NOT to be trifled with.
She reminded us that sin leads to DEATH
and left untreated, our sin will kill us.
We can ignore it
minimize it
rationalize it
call it something ‘nicer’
But our sin is an enemy that seeks to DESTROY US.
Our sin hates God.
And left untreated it will kill us.
Oh! What a call to engage in faith’s fight against sin–
To remember the Truth of the Gospel that we are NO LONGER SLAVES TO SIN.
To get help to engage in the battle!
To believe the Word of God more than our feelings or the lies that tempt us.
(I did a previous post on CHERISHED SINS where I quoted Pastor John Piper: ‘The attempt to find happiness in life by pinning your hope on something other than obedience to Jesus is like a lamb trying to satisfy its thirst at the nipple of a mother wolf. The source of your brief satisfaction will eat you for supper when evening comes.’ SO TRUE! SO TRUE!)
How I pray that even this very day we will HATE OUR SIN and LOVE GOD.
(I’m ashamed to confess how much I love my sin sometimes. Such immaturity and faithlessness in me!)
And that we will remember that God’s love is toward His children and HE is changing us.
Amen! Amen!
Yours in the battle,
Tara B.