Where to Look When You’re in Trouble
A great read by Pastor Tchividjian:
Where to Look When You’re in Trouble
Here is just a snippet to encourage you to click through and read the entire post:
“When you’re on the brink of despair–looking into the abyss of darkness, experiencing a dark-night of the soul–turning to the internal quality of your faith will bring you no hope, no rescue, no relief. Every internal answer will collapse underneath you. Turning to the external object of your faith, namely Christ and his finished work on your behalf, is the only place to find peace, re-orientation, and help. The gospel always directs you to something, Someone, outside you instead of to something inside you for the assurance you crave and need in seasons of desperation and doubt. The surety you long for when everything seems to be falling apart won’t come from discovering the dedicated ‘hero within’ but only from the realization that no matter how you feel or what you’re going through, you’ve already been discovered by the ‘Hero without.'”