Your Money Counts
Fred and I are beginning to work hard to (try to) pull it together and teach well our Sunday school class: (Actually!) Getting Your House in Order.
This is the description that’s been running in our church’s bulletin:
“(Actually!) Setting Your House in Order: Deacon Fred Barthel and his wife Tara will lead this class to help all families (this includes singles of course!) to ‘set their houses in order’ regarding financial stewardship, budgets, credit card debt, life insurance, estate planning, tithing, student loans, and any other related topics that come up during the course of the semester. Participants will not only learn about these topics, they will be encouraged and helped to implement changes—all for God’s glory and the further joy and ministry effectiveness of each family. Have you been thinking about getting on a budget for years? Stressed over the wills that you know you should have—but don’t? Would encouragement, accountability, and practical help be a blessing to you? If so, then please come to ‘(Actually!) Setting Your House in Order’. Any questions? Please contact Fred or Tara …”
I’m really glad to be doing this for our OWN sake (it’s always good to be reminded of these truths and “tighten up” a bit re: administrative/financial aspects of home management. Plus, I really hope we can be a true blessing to anyone who participates.
One book I read this week on this topic is Your Money Counts (by Howard Dayton).
I liked it quite a lot–especially for a basic introduction. It’s substantive without being scary–which, when it comes to money issues, is a great balance to hit.
If you’re just starting to feel convicted about all of this stuff and would like a very readable introduction to the topic, I recommend Your Money Counts.
Hope your Thursday is going well!
With joy,
Tara B.